Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lea is Coming! Lea is Coming!

Lea is coming, and it's so close I can taste it! (I wonder how Kendra would feel about that?)

Anyway, Lea's World is going through final edits. After that's done, she can travel freely to your device of choice.

I know it's taken me a long, long...long, long time, BUT, I think it's worth the wait.

I also know you're going to talk about me for giving you such a small taste, but I can't help it! The last thing I need is for something Lea and Kendra said (or did) to be unclear because another set of eyes didn't check my work before I put it out there....

So, enjoy this little tidbit of True Colors: Lea's World and don't be stingy with the comments. I'd love to hear from you.

More coming soon...
